Rajab is the seventh month in the order of months Hijriyyah, is one of the four months glorified. There are many important events at rajab month for Muslims, such as in the event of Isra 'and Mi'raj her the Great Prophet Muhammad. by Allah SWT. with body and spirit prophet in a very short time
, ie overnight or even some commentators who argue half a day and there are also said instant, so it is reported that after the completion of Mi'raj Prophet bed was still warm. Isra 'and Mi'raj became the 2nd largest miracle after the Qur'an who received by the Prophet Muhammad. that can not be reached or not in accordance with the customs, because the Isra 'and Mi'raj is an extraordinary event, this event would make sense if the thought of his believers, but not so for those who do not believe, that they are people who not believe will say does not make sense because in their minds there is no faith that believes there is Strength beyond the limits of human ability, but man can perceive with his permission, that is God Almighty. as god almighty and omnipotent creator. In philosophical terms it can be said that these events supra rational because there are forces that mighty and unreachable men, the power of Allah SWT.
Isra is walked Prophet Muhammad by Allah on the night from al-Haram Mosque in Mecca to al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine, known as Al-Quds use of vehicles brought by the angel Gabriel from heaven that Buraq knows what he looks like, but there are some opinions of scholars in our books authored books that explain about this Buraq, and certainly nothing like the image created by the Jews with buraq strange stature, and aimed at damaging the aqidah of Muslims, all Muslims should be careful of such things. Then, after Prophet arriving at the al-Aqsa mosque next prayer their. from al-Aqsa Mosque the Prophet ascended to the heavens the first to the sky to the 7th and Sidrat al-Muntaha to meet God SWT.-called Mi'raj- somewhere, because Allah is not in need 'place' in the sense of the meeting between the prophet and God can not be defined by the place., and the Prophet got a 'gift' from God to his community, that is orders prayers five times-origin 50 time, but after the Prophet negotiate according with the instructions of the prophets preceding Muhammad encountered in the sky-mandatory preformance day and night by any Muslims.
orders mandatory prayers five time this was published in year 11 bi'tsah or two years before moving. as for the first time mandatory prayer is the morning prayer on that night (read: after the events of Isra 'and Mi'raj) according to some scholars, there is also a mention at the time dzuhur prayer because at dawn when the Muslims do not know the prayers that the Prophet commanded tutotial , prayer five times a command is not immediately accepted by all Muslims at that time, as many people Quraish and some Muslims who oppose the Isra 'and Mi'raj of the Prophet present it to his community, even the first time against him, namely his own uncle. Similarly, with commands for prayers that gradually accepted by the Muslims at that time.
In the process of this prayer command publish direct Prophet taught his followers to pray tutorial itself as in his saying صلوا كما رايتموني أصلي " you all must pray like you see me pray", so his friends can see at once to pray directly to the Prophet. back again... that every learning requires a process, so the friends of Muhammad continue to proceed even learn to pray from time to time until it can be and be always run consistanly.
Back to the topic of our discussion, the Isra 'and Mi'raj happened Rajab month. thus in rajab precisely on the 27th rajab all Muslims around the world commemorate and celebrate this historic day with a celebration of a very special course and legitimate if each country is different ways to commemorate and celebrate. before we discuss it any further, we need to know in advance that the meaning of the word "commemorate" and "celebrate" have significant differences. Remin means commemorate remember, whatever activities undertaken important thing we can remember the events of Isra 'and Mi'raj, either by reading the Koran, read the history of the Prophet in any language-like reading al-Barjanji, Burda and other etc.-, give alms, bersilaturrahim-especially to the teacher-pilgrimage, evening prayer, fasting, dzikr and others. The word celebrate means making a bigger celebration than to commemorate and done by many people, such as executing Tabligh Akbar, competitions, social events and others that the two-commemorate and celebrate-a form of gratitude to meet by date or month historic inside there are special events, ie publish its orders prayers five times. as a predominantly Muslim country and a Muslim country in the world, Insonesia has its own culture that may be different from other countries, such as commemorate and celebrate with events, competitions, Tabligh Akbar, seminars and so forth. As for Tabligh Akbar like this all the mosques in several cities or villages in Indonesia do.
The law implementing events and celebration of the Ascension of the many differences of opinion among the scholars and Islamic organizations, there is mention of the Sunnah, there is mention makruh for heresy and those that mention permissible. but for the love and glorify the Prophet Muhammad SAW. and executed and worth of worship, so mu'tamad opinion is permissible and therein have value sunnah. such as commemorated by reading sholawat then indeed read sholawat it an act worth sunnah or celebrated by performing Tabligh Akbar, then verily Islamic symbols of its activities (see: propaganda) is deeds worth of worship and even propaganda was required. thus when some say heretical, the author has quoted the sheikh muhammad hasan hitou: "heresy in the schools of Shafi'i or more generally by imam Shafi'i a new case-no at since apostles but are not contrary to law or nothing proposition which forbid "this opinion is also corroborated by the rule of usul fiqh" all cases origin convicted allowed unless there is the argument that forbid "there is also other information that strengthens that" everything is considered good according to Muslim-course based on the proposition that correctly according to Shari'a-then so the presence of God is good ". so we can judge for yourself that during a commemoration and celebration of Isra 'and Mi'raj is not contrary to law or in harmony with the teachings of Islam then it is okay.
Recently the argument of Isra and Mi'raj in the Koran, which is contained in the QS. Al-Isra verse 1 that is argument about Isra, and argument about Mi'raj contained in QS. An-Najm.
as a layman or educated or even the clergy, we must be careful in menjustis case, should take away from a definite source of babble hands clean irresponsible. thus the authors suggest to reference the story of Mi'raj in the book of ad-Dardir fii qishshoti Mi'raj. And reviewed related interpretations about the Isra and Mi'raj.
Thus this article was written, may be useful for world. Sorry if many mistakes, criticism and suggestions please post in the comments or in the email it to the author ,. thank you for your willingness to read, and may disseminate, in print or whatever.
Malang, May 5, 2016 ... Iwan Ridwan :)
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